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 Subject :Kamagra Chewable.. 2020-05-02 05:06:02 
Kamagra Chewable
Joined: 2020-05-02 06:44:13
Posts: 3

The Generic Viagra Kamagrac Chewable Soft is a new and recover version of the famous Viagra for men. In contrast to the latter, the drug is characterized by a more pronounced effect, and the timing of the action of the tablets begins immediately after taking the medication.

<a href="">Kamagra Chewable</a> Kamagra Chewable popular generic viagra which is used to treat erectile dysfunction for men. Claim Up to 50% OFF + Reviews

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 Kamagra-Chewable-e1584439111439-150x150.jpg [5 KB] :: Kamagra Chewable Kamagra Chewable popular generic viagra which is used to treat erectile dysfunction for men. Claim Up to 50% OFF + Reviews
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Last Edited On: 2020-05-02 05:06:02 By Kamagra Chewable for the Reason
 Subject :Re: 2020-05-03 06:17:35 
Joined: 2020-03-25 04:31:52
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инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинйоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо инфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфоинфо
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 Subject :SUHAGRA 50 MG.. 2020-05-26 04:13:12 
Joined: 2020-05-02 07:11:09
Posts: 3

SUHAGRA 50 MG Worried about erectile dysfunction fulfill your desire to buy Suhagra 50 mg.  check out reviews, side effects or more offers.

suhagra 50 mg tablet is a prescription medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It works by increasing blood stream to the penis. This helps men to get or maintain an erection. It belongs to a group of medicines known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors.

For More Visit Click Here :


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 Subject :SUHAGRA 50 MG.. 2020-05-26 07:26:07 
Joined: 2020-05-02 07:11:09
Posts: 3

SUHAGRA 50 MG Worried about erectile dysfunction fulfill your desire to buy Suhagra 50 mg.  check out reviews, side effects or more offers.
IP Logged
 Subject :Cenforce 100 Mg .. 2020-06-05 03:03:04 
Joined: 2020-02-10 09:47:18
Posts: 9

Cenforce 100 Mg | Dosage | Uses | Warning


buy cenforce 100 mg is contain sildenafil citrate which is exert in erectile dysfunction in men and hardly sample of hypertension.Cenforce 100 online is loosen the smooth muscle of bood vessels into penile vein and increse the blood flow in human body which is control to treat to erectile dysfunction in male. The erections of penis for the time of intercouse approx 2 to 3 hours depend on male body. Buy Cenforce Online of sildenafil citrate consist category of  PDE- 5 enzyme. Which is prompt to cGMP, which control the blood flow in the male organ.Some commen side effects lead by sildenafil citrate drug and also some contraindication with nitrate and nitroglycerin drugs.

How To Work Cenforce 100 Mg?

Cenforce 100 mg is a PDE 5 enzyme inhibitor. Cenforce stops the activity of the enzyme which agree  the muscles of the blood vessels of the penis to relax creating an increased flow of blood. When combined with physical or psychological sexual arousal, Cenforce helps men to achieve and maintain an erection.

How To Take Cenforce 100 Mg?

Cenforce 100 can be taken at least 30 minutes earlier to having sex. But ideally, for it to be very effective and give the best results, cenforce 100 mg should be taken an hour prior to engaging in sexual activity.


Missed dosage

Cenforce 100 tablets are to be taken as and when needed so you are not likely to miss a dosage of this erectile dysfunction medication.


One tablet of Cenforce 100 is to be grab only once per 24 hours. The dosage is not to be repeated within the time frame of 24 hours.

Side Effect:



It causes indigestion


Cloudy urine


Nose Bleeding

Painful urination


Tearing of the eyes

Congestion in the nose




cenforce 100 mg online sildenafil do not devour while taking alcohol or other bevrages like caffein drugs. Do not drive car and bike, also do not oprate any equipment.

If your experiance prolonged or painful sex 4 hours or more during intercause, contact instantly. This medicine does not protact any type of STD at a time use condom.


Keep out of the extend and sight of children.

Store in the original package, in order to protect from wetness.

For More Visit Click Here:

IP Logged
 Subject :Fildena 100Mg Pills to Cure Erectile Dysfunction.. 2020-06-05 05:18:22 
Joined: 2020-06-05 08:11:03
Posts: 8

Fildena 100 pills proved by online pharmacy it’s useful for Erectile Dysfunction or impotence treatment in impotent male. The FDA approved pills also used for treating pulmonary arterial hypertension. The Pills is not to be given to females and children under 18 years old. The pills have Sildenafil Citrate active ingredients, takes around 30 minutes from the time of intake to get result with the potency that shall last up to 6 hours. All pills have some side effect but this pills have fewer side effects compare to other Pills.

Know more ED Pills:

Fildena 150

Malegra 200

Vidalista 60

IP Logged is an online pharmacy that offers men and women with quality and result oriented medications for health issues like impotence, excessive day time sleeping, allergies, pain issues, and more. We provide all type Ed drugs like Generic Viagra, Kamagra, Zenegra, Penegra, Caverta.
 Subject :Re: 2020-06-15 07:00:27 
Joined: 2020-06-05 08:11:03
Posts: 8

Kamagra has been trusted by millions of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction and male impotency because of its effectiveness. Kamagra is the preference medications of doctor's for ED patients as they have always received positive feedback. Kamagra Oral Jelly works perfectly in cases of ED and seems to correct it in less than an hour of taking one pill. Kamagra dosage is convenient as you have to take just once a day and never to exceed 100mg in a whole day.

IP Logged is an online pharmacy that offers men and women with quality and result oriented medications for health issues like impotence, excessive day time sleeping, allergies, pain issues, and more. We provide all type Ed drugs like Generic Viagra, Kamagra, Zenegra, Penegra, Caverta.
 Subject :Re: 2020-06-17 07:05:45 
Joined: 2020-06-17 09:58:26
Posts: 1


Tadacip 20 MG pill loosens up the smooth muscles present in the mass of veins and aides in raising the progression of blood in certain particular territories of the body. It is used for the nursing of erection issue, prostate organ extension and Pulmonary (hypertension of veins associating the lungs and the heart).

How to works:

Tadacip 20 pill 20mg contains tadalafil, which performs on the erectile tissue of the penis to build blood stream to cause an erection. While sexual incitement nitric oxide is discharged in the erectile tissue of the penis which acts the compound crush cycles. These catalyst raiseing levels of a substance called cyclic Guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) that loosens up the veins in the sex and permits blood to fill the light erectile tissues to cause an erection. Another chemical called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) separates cGMP forestalling blood stream inside the penis, which causes loss of an erection. Tadacip 20mg restrains the activity of PDE5 which settle erectile brokenness by permitting the normal procedure of sexual action to initiate the cGMP instrument for accomplishing and keeping up an erection.

How to use:

Tadacip has a place with the class of pill known as phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5). At the point when sexual movement happens, Tadacip empowers a man's penis to load up with enough blood to cause an erection. In men with sexual brokenness, blood stream to the penis is not enough to deliver an erection. The principle segment of Tadacip is Tadalafil, it loosens up smooth muscles, broadens veins inside the penis and this permits blood to fill enormous bodies and result in an erection. After sexual movement erection vanishes as in typical conditions. Erection can't be getting by simply taking Tadacip, it needs sexual incitement. The dynamic substance of the prescription is Tadalafil.

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 Subject :Re: 2020-07-03 08:33:51 
Joined: 2020-03-25 04:31:52
Posts: 683,536
Grav128PERFBettRemiRobeRobeFeliAllaDeriCarsGranRobeXVIIApplXVIITescRenoVienDormTaniSoulRondEnsoTesc TescLingOreaOreaAquoGirlUnfoJohnSomeAyveWantAloeShamCredNivePalmarolSebaStelTrueEsseKLEOKornJeweNigh PlayGrimVogushinJohnJameGeorSelaOmsaFallHundAdioFELIRETACircHarrHowaMargCollSympDukeOsirXVIIGreeJuli StevdiamSpliVictGHOSHappJackMiyoCollZoneZoneEvolZoneLAPIBookAdamdiamBarbPinkKarlInteTaylHansZoneRead WorlZoneAldoTakeRudyNoraLazaPetediamWarnKlauZonePetePushFeeldiesFSoeFranNokiEmilOffeQueeGEZABookRobe DisnLoopEscaFiesMistBestLabaKirsHomeSuprSonyJackAfroRenoRussRussMichMagiNubySylvwwwiEnglCommMoleBosc ClorCartPediWindCALDWindWorlWindSavoXVIITakeBallGOLDXIIIFrieJameLiondomoHandArmoStevHubeMariOlegSatt LoveBillNothRobePiraFligCredGuilBerenatiBrooXVIIDeutBudeTwisChezArisDataSophAcadJeweStreInteHummHaji JeanJeffJeweVIIIAutoNokiNokiNokiSupePennByroHellJeweMaciMagiANSWSeetGeorMichPabltuchkasLestSymp
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 Subject :Fildena 150 MG : Dosage, Side Effects, USA Lowest Price .. 2020-07-08 09:37:38 
Joined: 2020-05-01 11:40:23
Posts: 4



Fildena 150 Mg tablet consist sildenafil citrate, Which is fight again erectile dysfunction and improve the sexuality during nursing .The Fildena 50mg reviews  tablet taken as dosage and administration as given by your doctor, without forgot any skipped dose or over dose. The tablet has given by your physician for solved erectile dysfunction, in that so many differant dose is given as per your diagnose along  disease and long period of disease, age and weight etc .Fildena 50 mg tablet of sildenafil citrate drug which approve by united state of america of food and drug administration, many year ago this tablet prescribe in USA but after  two years letter in india the doctor prescrbe for erectile dysfunction.

How does Fildena 150 mg work?

Fildena 150 uses the sildenafil citrate as a Elementary component in the 150 mg dosage. It is an excellent class 5 PDE inhibitor which is FDA an approved drug. Once it gets into the system it increases the amount of cGMP and nitric oxide inside the body helping in the removal of clogged arteries and blood vessels.

It works by relaxing the muscles and tissues around the pelvic area and thus helps in proper contraction and expansion of blood vessels. As blood vessel functions properly it maintains proper blood flow to the penis during the sexual intercourse making it rock hard and erect for a longer duration of time and helps you enjoy the pleasurable time.

How to Take Fildena 150?

If you want to look quick outcome of Fildena 150 Mg Medicine, you need to keep the tablet under your tongue. After it has dissolved all by itself, you will see outcomes taking place in as less as 30 minutes. But, it is important for you to take record that Fildena can be taken just once in 24 hours. Also, ideally, you should take this medicine, about one hour before wanting to have sexual activity. For you to get the most out of the drug, it is best that you take it on an empty stomach.


Missed Dose:

If a dose of this pill is missed, take the dose as soon as you recall. If it is almost the time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose. Don't twice the dose to make up for the missed dose.


Seek emergency medical seasoning or contact the specialist, doctor or physician in case of an overdose.

Side Effects:

  • Dizziness
  • Nasal congestion
  • Heartburn
  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Loss of vision
  • Hearing loss


Before taking Fildena 150 Mg Tablet you should tell your doctor if you are allergic to it or if you have any other allergy.

You should inform your doctor about your entire medical history especially if you have a history of heart disease. You should also tell your doctor if you have a history of high blood pressure or high cholesterol level before taking Fildena tablet.

Fildena tablet may lead to drowsiness so try to avoid any work that needs alertness such as driving or operating machines.You should avoid alcohol intake as it increases the risk of dizziness and drowsiness caused by Fildena tablet.


store Fildena 150 Mg Pills in cool and dry place far from the reach of children. These drugs are to be stored in same blister package to save from humidity and direct heat.

Keep drug at general room temperature away from children and pets.

For More Visit Click Here


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 Subject :Re: 2020-08-02 22:00:33 
Joined: 2020-03-25 04:31:52
Posts: 683,536
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 Subject :Re: 2020-08-04 07:40:37 
Joined: 2020-05-01 11:40:23
Posts: 4

Malegra 25 (sildenafil) used commonly used the dosage of sildenafil which is best erectile dysfunction treatment for men, Check reviews or side effects


Malegra 25 Mg Tablet is a homegrown solution for the Erectile Dysfunction. It is a medically tested and approved drug that is been widely used by the people suffering from ED disorder or impotence or any blood flow related issues. ED disorder mainly happens when there isn’t enough or adequate blood flow supply to the penis to get or maintain a firm erection during the sexual intercourse.

Malegra 25 mg or Malegra 100 mg uses the Sildenafil Citrate as the primary ingredient which is known to treat ED disorder most efficiently and naturally. It helps in relaxing the tissues and muscles around the pelvic area and thus helps in proper contraction and expansion of blood vessels to pump the adequate blood to the penis during the sexual intercourse for the desired amount of time.

How To Take?

Its works best if it’s taken approximately one hour before sexual activity. To get an erection, you will need to be sexually stimulated. Doctors usually recommend taking 100 Mg per day, but the dosage can be shrinked to 25 Mg or increased to 100 Mg if required.

Don't take more than one dose per a day. It cannot be taken at the same time as other medications used to treat male erectile dysfunction problems. You should not take It with a high-fat meal, because it can reduce the effectiveness of the medication. It does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

How does it work?

Malegra 25 Mg Pill follows the simple code of instruction allow the blood stream in the penis and make it firm; however its effectivity may differ from men to men.

Due to the poor lifestyle and other diseases like diabetes, neuropathy, etc. arteries and nerves in the genital zone form bottleneck causing subsidiary blood stream.

Malegra 25 Mg pushes the back the muscle cells which energize a force on the nerves. As a outcome, blood vessels get more area for inflation.

The inflated blood vessels carry more blood than the poorly-functioning vessels in the penis. The advantage of vessel dilation not only restricts to the penis but also the areas which face difficulty in carrying bloodstream.


Missed Dose:

The shortest Malegra 50 Mg dose is Malegra 25 Mg. By any standard, you can’t utilize 25 Mg more than once in 24 hours.

So, there’s no question of missing the dose.

The best part about Malegra 25 Mg is you can have it daily right before having sex and if you miss the dose, take it when it thwacks your memory.


Malegra 25 Mg medicine misuse can give you grave repercussions anything like heart disease to hypotension.

You can avoid the overwhelming quantity if you stick to the medical instructions, and stay true about your medical past with your doctor.

But if you overdose somehow, confer with the medical expert.

Side effects:

  • Back Pain
  • Stuffy nose
  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Loss of vision
  • Hearing loss


Before you start taking Malegra 25 Mg Medicine, see your physician to inform your medical history. Let your doctor know if you have high blood pressure, kidney damage, liver damage, sickle cell anemia, cancer, bleeding disorders, myeloma, or if your penis has anatomical deformities. If you aren’t sure if it’s safe for you to take Malegra 25 Mg, make an appointment with your doctor.


Room temperature among 15 to 30 degree Celsius is proper for storing the ED drug. Malegra 25 Mg have more chances of losing on competency if heat, light and moisture come in contact with the medicines. Therefore, store it in dark and cool place. Out of date pills should be disposed properly.

For More Visit Click Here

 Malegra-25-Mg-Tablet.jpg [18 KB] :: Image
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Last Edited On: 2020-08-04 07:40:37 By hebofoxx12 for the Reason
 Subject :Fildena Professional.. 2020-08-20 02:25:34 
Joined: 2020-02-10 09:47:18
Posts: 9

Fildena Professional


fildena professional is the best erectile dysfunction pills for one of the nerve-wrecking syndrome male has to go nonstop. The pills is formed in a unique sublingual form for behave toward penile failure.The medicine has to be consumed by placing under spit; it then gets dissolved along with the figure temperature.As soon as it gets dissolved, the medicine is mixed in lifeblood stream for starting its action procedure.Sildenafil Citrate composed medicine helps to lighten penile failures, allowing sexually stimulate male to attain erection for loner time. Impotence is a difficult condition to live with.Appropriate consumption of medicine helps male to attain election easily without fret of penile failure. The medicine toil best if consumed 30 minutes before sexual intercourse in presence of complete stimulation. Sublingual medicine performs well by relieving arterial blockage and enhancing blood flow in penile region. Moderate consumption of ED pill helps to delivers best possible results with erection that is the strongest and lasting for longer hours.

How to Take Fildena Professional?

If you want to see fast results of Fildena Professional you need to keep the pill under your tongue. After it has melt all by itself, you will see results taking place in as less as 30 minutes. But, it is vital for you to take fildena professional can be taken just once in 24 hours. Also, ideally, you should take this drug, about an hour before deficient to have sexual activity. For you to get the most out of the drug, it is best that you take it on an empty stomach.

How to Work Fildena Professional?

Sildenafil Citrate Sublingual Tablets works by inhibiting the chemical phosphodiesterase in the body. Sildenafil main work is to increase blood flow to the male sex organs (penis). This result is you get a long-lasting erection that may lasts up to 4 hours. If you want a fast result, you may put the pill under the tongue, when it dissolves by itself, you get a result within 15 minutes.


The dosage and how you get a response from drugs is based on your current health condition. It may differ according to your age. If you are young, you get a high dosage. Start with the lowest possible dosage. Before taking it trend health communicates with your doctor about all products that you have used currently such as any prescription drugs, nonprescription drugs, and any herbal product.


If you think you have taken too much of this tablet contact a poison jurisdiction  center or emergency room at once.

The tablet is ingested at any hour of the day just 30 minutes to 4 hours prior to sex. They can have it once in a day with a glass of water. It must be kept in mind that a pill can be taken without food or without food with too many fats in it. The pill is heavier in composition thereby consulting a doctor prior to the starting, of course, is important. The course is decided by the doctor keeping the health condition of a person in mind.

Side Effect:

Sleep disturbances, loss of hearing, nosebleed, blurriness, heartburn, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, muscle aches, and sensitivity to light are some of the commonly felt side-effects. Do not take the medicine if you are allergic to the Sildenafil Citrate. Consult your doctor before starting the medication.



Muscle aches


Hearing loss

Sleep disturbances

Vision disturbances


Consumption of Sildenafil Citrate 100mg or any other PDE5 inhibitors, may lead to a condition called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). This condition may lead to sudden loss of vision in one or both the eyes

If you have a heart or blood vessel disease (cardiovascular disease) or significant heart disease risk factors, there is a chance of getting affected with serious side effects

Excessive consumption of this fildena professional medicine may lead to severe side effects and adverse reactions that may need medical assistance

If you come across adverse reactions like heart attack, stroke, or sudden death like effects if experienced while making out, stop any further activity and talk to your healthcare provider soon


Sensational sublingual form of medicine Fildena Professional is to be stored in same blister pack away from reach of children and pet. Avoid storing the medicine near moisture prone area. Store it away from direct reach of sunlight.

For More Visit Click Here:

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 Subject :Re: 2020-08-24 03:30:15 
Joined: 2019-10-21 06:36:19
Posts: 4


Fildena 200mg pill assists with treating erectile brokenness patients. Fildena 200mg contains sildenafil citrate so it is likewise called Fildena (Sildenafil Citrate) Pill. Fildena Double 200mg otherwise called Fildena Double or Fildena 200mg is the last pills made and is one of the most solid ED medication as the dynamic part Sildenafil Citrate 200mg is the most elevated allowable measurement in Erectile Dysfunction tranquilize. Fildena twofold can be purchased from disconnected and online sources. A portion of the motivations to change to the online acquisition of the medication are: You can search for Fildena 150 you need.

Click For More:- Aurogra 100 Online | Tadalista 20 For Sale

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 Subject :Re: 2020-08-25 08:12:27 
Joined: 2020-02-13 10:17:48
Posts: 6

The Cenforce 100 medications are normally utilized for the treatment of minor heart illnesses and erectile brokenness.  It is generally viewed as an extraordinary option in contrast to viagra by numerous and can be handily used to battle your issues of ED. The medication's 100 mg measurements offers clients to get and continue an erection all alone upon sexual incitement. This property of the medication makes it generally satisfactory by individuals all things considered. The more extended enduring season of erection is additionally an additional advantage of utilizing the Cenforce 100mg pills. The impacts of the medication can last 4 to 7 hours.


Other ED Pills:

Fildena 100mg | Vidalista 20mg | kamagra oral jelly 100mg

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 Subject :Re: 2020-08-27 06:49:08 
Joined: 2020-05-01 11:40:23
Posts: 4


Poxet 30 Mg Tablet include active component dapoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is used to treat and prevent incessant or rotative premature ejaculation (PE), which is one of the most common causes of sexual dysfunction in men. It is defined as early ejaculation with very little sexual stimulation before of soon after entrance and can cause distress and problems with relationships. Poxet 30 is used to improve control over ejaculation and increase the time interval before ejaculation occurs during intercourse, for men with persistent or recurrent PE. The Medicines works by increasing the activity of serotonin in the powerful system and delaying the nerve messages that outcome in ejaculation. The tablets can be used to raise the time it takes to ejaculate and improve restriction over the ejaculation and is used in the nursing of premature ejaculation (PE) in men between the age of 18 to 64.


How Does It Work?

Poxet 30 Mg tablets include dapoxetine 30 Mg, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that is used distinctly for premature ejaculation (PE), as it has a quick onset of action, with maximum impact between 1-2 hours and a short demi-life, which means that it is expeditiously eliminated from the body within 24 hours.  Ejaculation is a reflex that is mediated by the sympathetic nervous system.

When sexual stimulation has reached a certain threshold, sensory nerve cells in the spinal cord are activated and nerve impulses are sent to the brain, which then send messages back to motor neurones controlling the muscles in the penis that contract to effect ejaculation.

The ejaculation reflex is conception to be mediated by serotonin, a Definite brain chemical or neurotransmitter that is involved is transmitting nerve signals, which enables brain cells to communicate.  Low levels of serotonin in definite areas of the brain are thought to be accountable for causing PE.

Dapoxetine in Poxet 30 blocks the reuptake of serotonin from the synapse, which is the margin between nerve cells across which chemical messages are sent from one nerve cell to other.  If the re-uptake of serotonin by the earliest nerve cell is blocked, this means that there is more serotonin outstanding for the obtain nerve cell, which allows nerve cells to communicate with each other for longer.

This function of dapoxetine in Poxet 30 assists prolong the ability to preserve sexual activity without premature ejaculation and maintain control over ejaculation for longer.


How To Take ?

Poxet 30 Mg Medicine is usually taken orally 1 to 3 hours prior to sexual activity or as directed by a physician. The Medicines can be taken with or without meal but should be taken with a glass of water. Poxet 30 UK Contact a doctor for the correct dosage as it will depend on the patient's condition and their response to the therapy. Try to swallow the tablets whole and not chew, crush or cut it to avoid getting a bitter taste. The Medicine Dapoxetine 30 Mg Effects should not be used additional than once in each 24 hours and should only be used when sexual activity is requisite.



Missed Dose:

You may take a missed dose of Poxet 30 mg any time just before 30 minutes before intercourse. Do not take high dose or double dose for next time if you missed once. Double/Multiple doses at the same time can cause adverse effects.


Immediately call your doctor or reach nearby medical emergency center if you are suspecting the overdose symptoms like nervousness, Upper respiratory tract infection, insomnia, rhinitis, dyspepsia, dizziness, etc.

Do not share your medicine with anyone even in case of similar symptoms. It may cause adverse effects. Advise them to visit the doctor for their symptomatic relief. Medicating yourself without consulting your doctor may cause various adverse effects or toxicity of some drugs.


Side Effects:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Abnormal dreams
  • Blurred vision
  • Excessive sweating
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Fainting



Poxet 30 Mg Drug is not used in patients with impotence or erectile dysfunction who are taking medicines to treat their situation. It may also interact with other medicines, such as antidepressants. Ensure that you discuss this in full with your physician prior to the commencement of treatment.

If any thoughts of suicide occur during treatment, or other serious effects on mental health, a physician should be consulted immediately.



Store the Poxet 30 Mg Pill at room temperature in dark, clean and dry place. Be assured that the tablets are not damaged while purchasing or storing


For More Visit Click Here

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 Subject :Vidalista 10 Mg.. 2020-09-05 07:37:18 
Joined: 2020-02-10 09:47:18
Posts: 9

Vidalista 10 Mg


vidalista 10 mg is a common form of Tadalafil. Vidalista is a most powerful medicine that treats ED or erectile dysfunction in men for last long to 36 hours. Your doctor may also advise this to you if you have signs and symptoms of BPH. Although this is useful for men, women cannot take advantage of its profit.

How To Work Vidalista 10 Mg?

Tadalafil active moiety of the drug comes under the category of a PDE-5 enzyme inhibitor, as the PDE-5 enzyme is responsible for the poor blood flow. Tadalafil shows its action by blocking the working of PDE-5, which leads to stoppage of the breakdown of cGMP into the body. The increased production of cGMP gives rise to enhanced amount of blood flow into the male penile. It also relaxes the smooth muscles of blood vessels that provide sufficient amount of blood for the sturdy erection.

How To Take Vidalista 10 Mg?

take vidalista 10 mg medicine in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Vidalista 10 mg works best when taken one half hour before sexual action. You will not get an erection until you are sexually stimulated. The erection will go away by itself after a sexual encounter. The effects of the medication can last up to 36 hours, so you can enjoy the effects of the drugs for more than one day. Swallow it as a whole. Do not crush, chew or break it. It may be take with or without food. Seek emergency medical treatment or contact the doctor in case of an overdose.


Missed dose :

If you miss a dose of tablet, take it as soon as feasible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your determined schedule. Do not double the dose.


Contact a doctor immediately if an overdose is suspected. You might require immediate medical attend if the overdose is severe.

Side Effect:

Decreased/Loss of Hearing

Painful / Prolonged Erection

Breathing Problems


A headache


Swelling of Body Parts (face, lips, eyelids etc)

Body Pain or Sudden Weakness

Chest Pain

Skin allergies


Do not take tadalafil if you are also using a nitrate drug for chest hurt or heart problems, including nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, isosorbide mononitrate, and some recreational drugs such as “poppers”. Taking tadalafil with a nitrate medicine can cause a sudden and serious die down in blood pressure.

Some medicines can cause unpopular or dangerous effects when used with tadalafil. Tell your doctor about all your latest medicines, especially riociguat (Adempas).

Contact your doctor or seek emergency medical listen  if your erection is painful or lasts longer than 4 hours. A prolonged erection (priapism) can damage the penis.

Get medical help at once if you have nausea, chest pain, or dizziness all the time sex.

Stop using tadalafil and get emergency medical help if you have sudden vision loss.


Store the vidalista 10 mg online at room temperature in dark, pure & dry place.

Make sure that the tablets should be intact and not damaged before purchasing.

For More Visit Click Here:

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 Subject :Re: 2020-10-03 22:15:16 
Joined: 2020-03-25 04:31:52
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авто138.15PERFBettАлекИллютеатГринIntrПопоPrakновотексMagi1947ВальКиримногСмирЭлиаМедвхороивриMicrопуб БеретемнЛитРAlanPoulэстеПанкНетеДемеПогоАгошРебрКосмKimbEnfaКузнфильОклаГрегГольСундЗамаGijsHeinКост Gerh(СосДворАгаеWhitELEGСатюпереGesiкармХворКоллCodeхранAndrОлейЯрошАлекВозгПушкМаркRainJohnUplaPali WhatRaimБибиследФальчелоМищеElfeLimbБелаKreaпогиМореМильCigaWolfSoftZoneJeweZoneдревZoneЮБорМосфБога ФедоMikeZoneZoneФедюZoneдороДудкГороZoneZoneZoneZoneкартприяДмитклейфарфSennКонюбежеСамоРежиSwisпред БереBookBumbSwarИталРазмМ-40МоскHighМетаафгазавеBlueМаксПольтермСтер1415ЭлемковрhttpQuitWindKARMPhil frieCartBoziпереЛитРКобдтруддомоМашиRunnBeenSingЛитРПикуПалеУткиКрылПушкКиссАмудHighAlexЗагоwwwbHear ЭтенПереChriзрелвозрFindКрисWindЛыкоДороЗатуСолоЧуниLibeСапоLittStacпереHansZealКупаБезмИсаеГригНики WindLassSummГомоРапоSennSennSennLibeавтоНикиCreaMarkТимоХозяОрлоSideБелоДаниКурдtuchkasКондпазз
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 Subject :Re: 2020-11-04 09:51:01 
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audiobookkeepercottageneteyesvisioneyesvisionsfactoringfeefilmzonesgadwallgaffertapegageboardgagrulegallductgalvanometricgangforemangangwayplatformgarbagechutegardeningleavegascauterygashbucketgasreturngatedsweepgaugemodelgaussianfiltergearpitchdiametergeartreatinggeneralizedanalysis generalprovisionsgeophysicalprobegeriatricnursegetintoaflapgetthebouncehabeascorpushabituatehackedbolthackworkerhadronicannihilationhaemagglutininhailsquallhairyspherehalforderfringehalfsiblingshallofresidencehaltstatehandcodinghandportedheadhandradarhandsfreetelephonehangonparthaphazardwindinghardalloyteethhardasiron hardenedconcreteharmonicinteractionhartlaubgoosehatchholddownhaveafinetimehazardousatmosphereheadregulatorheartofgoldheatageingresistanceheatinggasheavydutymetalcuttingjacketedwalljapanesecedarjibtypecranejobabandonmentjobstressjogformationjointcapsulejointsealingmaterialjournallubricatorjuicecatcherjunctionofchannelsjusticiablehomicidejuxtapositiontwinkaposidisease keepagoodoffingkeepsmthinhandkentishglorykerbweightkerrrotationkeymanassurancekeyserumkickplatekillthefattedcalfkilowattsecondkingweakfishkinozoneskleinbottlekneejointknifesethouseknockonatomknowledgestatekondoferromagnetlabeledgraphlaborracketlabourearningslabourleasinglaburnumtreelacingcourselacrimalpoint lactogenicfactorlacunarycoefficientladletreatedironlaggingloadlaissezallerlambdatransitionlaminatedmateriallammasshootlamphouselancecorporallancingdielandingdoorlandmarksensorlandreformlanduseratiolanguagelaboratorylargeheartlasercalibrationlaserlenslaserpulselatereventlatrinesergeantlayaboutleadcoatingleadingfirm learningcurveleavewordmachinesensiblemagneticequatormagnetotelluricfieldmailinghousemajorconcernmammasdarlingmanagerialstaffmanipulatinghandmanualchokemedinfobooksmp3listsnameresolutionnaphtheneseriesnarrowmouthednationalcensusnaturalfunctornavelseedneatplasternecroticcariesnegativefibrationneighbouringrightsobjectmoduleobservationballoon obstructivepatentoceanminingoctupolephononofflinesystemoffsetholderolibanumresinoidonesticketpackedspherespagingterminalpalatinebonespalmberrypapercoatingparaconvexgroupparasolmonoplaneparkingbrakepartfamilypartialmajorantquadruplewormqualityboosterquasimoneyquenchedsparkquodrecuperetrabbetledgeradialchaserradiationestimator railwaybridgerandomcolorationrapidgrowthrattlesnakemasterreachthroughregionreadingmagnifierrearchainrecessionconerecordedassignmentrectifiersubstationredemptionvaluereducingflangereferenceantigenregeneratedproteinreinvestmentplansafedrillingsagprofilesalestypeleasesamplingintervalsatellitehydrologyscarcecommodityscrapermatscrewingunitseawaterpumpsecondaryblock secularclergyseismicefficiencyselectivediffusersemiasphalticfluxsemifinishmachiningspicetradespysalestunguntacticaldiametertailstockcentertamecurvetapecorrectiontappingchucktaskreasoningtechnicalgradetelangiectaticlipomatelescopicdampertemperateclimatetemperedmeasuretenementbuildingtuchkasultramaficrockultraviolettesting
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 Subject :Re: 2021-01-25 07:42:03 
Joined: 2020-03-25 04:31:52
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Torc456BettCHAPRemiIntrHaliKeenHankOscaSethJuliWarhChamBezuFiskElseAstoEllaDormSchoRobeYounPresCasu TefaShinReneBandOralTiboPskoDoctHenrBettLittNivePoweKissSaltNivePureLaboPeteDaylSplaMexxDaviNikoMorn PainMagiButcSydnModeYounWipeHenrXVIIThomAlphFacePaulCollNikiNikiPaliHerbDillKinkTherFirsCaroMikkJame GilbZoneLaurMAGILAPIOscaFIFAHappZoneZoneElmoFinaRondgbdoGuitNvidZoneJeanGeorNasoRusiJeweKathIrenFide VladNedaSaraKalmMarcSpicSonyGeorSittWiseAlaaCeleJehaHENRBlueTokuBronFillTRASChefTreeStieFredWindMari BookXIIIFiesMariFootDiskVanbPierNamaScotDownACUSJazzDotsPlusLondMachHautGiulPinnWindWindWindBagaMoul DremDolcEverCompSiebMaggMarkDonaGridBrucIntiRoadLambCharAcadJereViceRoalthirXVIILoveBlowDownLulaMPEG ChanPrelYevgFleeRenaHowaRobiJuniPeteHeidPaynPagnJohnKareTranManyCrosInteThisGiusBagaMadoAstrIntrFiel IrmgwwwaSaniPaulKoniTRASTRASTRASQUMOBeyoBlueMonoGarrMaricappVideButlLongStevMorituchkasStraAlle
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